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Summary: What's the Big Idea? : Review and Analysis of Davenport, Prusak and Wilson's Book - Livres de poche

2016, ISBN: 2511045699

[EAN: 9782511045695], Neubuch, [PU: Business Book Summaries], nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Printed after ordering - The must-read summary of Thomas Davenport, Laurence Prusak an… Plus…

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Summary: What's the Big Idea? : Review and Analysis of Davenport, Prusak and Wilson's Book - Businessnews Publishing
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Businessnews Publishing:

Summary: What's the Big Idea? : Review and Analysis of Davenport, Prusak and Wilson's Book - Livres de poche

2016, ISBN: 2511045699

[EAN: 9782511045695], Neubuch, [SC: 2.6], [PU: Business Book Summaries], Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - The must-read summary of Thomas Davenport, Laurence Prusak an… Plus…

NEW BOOK. Frais d'envoi EUR 2.60 Smartbuy, Einbeck, Germany [82220461] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
Summary: What's the Big Idea? : Review and Analysis of Davenport, Prusak and Wilson's Book - Businessnews Publishing
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Businessnews Publishing:
Summary: What's the Big Idea? : Review and Analysis of Davenport, Prusak and Wilson's Book - Livres de poche


ISBN: 2511045699

[EAN: 9782511045695], Neubuch, [PU: Business Book Summaries], Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - The must-read summary of Thomas Davenport, Laurence Prusak and James Wil… Plus…

NEW BOOK. Frais d'envoi EUR 2.60 Smartbuy, Einbeck, Germany [82220461] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
Summary: What's the Big Idea? Review and Analysis of Davenport, Prusak and Wilson's Book - Businessnews Publishing
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Businessnews Publishing:
Summary: What's the Big Idea? Review and Analysis of Davenport, Prusak and Wilson's Book - nouveau livre

2016, ISBN: 9782511045695

Kartoniert, 46 Seiten, 180mm x 120mm x 4mm, Sprache(n): eng The must-read summary of Thomas Davenport, Laurence Prusak and James Wilson's book: "What's the Big Idea? Creating and Capitali… Plus…

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Summary: What's the Big Idea? Review and Analysis of Davenport, Prusak and Wilson's Book - Businessnews Publishing
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Businessnews Publishing:
Summary: What's the Big Idea? Review and Analysis of Davenport, Prusak and Wilson's Book - nouveau livre

2016, ISBN: 2511045699

Kartoniert / Broschiert, mit Schutzumschlag 11, [PU:Business Book Summaries]

Frais d'envoiVersandkosten innerhalb der BRD. (EUR 2.95) MARZIES.de Buch- und Medienhandel, 14621 Schönwalde-Glien

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Détails sur le livre

Informations détaillées sur le livre - Summary: What's the Big Idea?

EAN (ISBN-13): 9782511045695
ISBN (ISBN-10): 2511045699
Livre de poche
Date de parution: 2016
Editeur: Business Book Summaries

Livre dans la base de données depuis 2023-03-28T09:40:45+02:00 (Zurich)
Livre trouvé récemment le 2024-03-17T13:42:56+01:00 (Zurich)
ISBN/EAN: 9782511045695

ISBN - Autres types d'écriture:
2-511-04569-9, 978-2-511-04569-5
Autres types d'écriture et termes associés:
Titre du livre: davenport, idea book

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